Women's Bible Study is for all women of the parish interested in learning more about Scripture through Bible Study programs from well respected Biblical scholars, in a setting of great camaraderie, respect and of course, much fun. We usually have DVD presentations followed by group discussions. Prayer is a big part of what we do, gathering at the start of each session for formal prayers, Scripture readings, and petitions/intentions so that during the week we can pray for one another on our own. There is strong fellowship among the ladies and great friendships have been fostered here. Give us a try; we welcome all - from experienced and knowledgeable already to just getting started in Biblical studies. All programs are Catholic in orientation and a great emphasis is on learning more about our Catholic faith as well.
Our mission is to provide a place to learn and grow in Scripture studies and Catholic faith formation, in an environment where ladies can share their personal faith and life journeys with other women of the Catholic faith, be supported, and blessed through prayer, study and discussion.