Spiritual mentoring is an encounter, a relationship between two people of faith, and in ancient times was known a “soul friend.” Military spiritual mentoring pairs up older military personnel (still serving in the Guard, Reserve, and Active Duty and veterans), with at least 10 years military experience, with more junior military personnel.
Are you a junior military member and have maybe wondered about the following questions or others?
Do you feel like you're alone in your faith life in the military?
Do you wonder how you can align your faith and your military career?
Have you experienced something in the military where you would like someone who will listen?
If so, we'd love to pair you up with a Spiritual Mentor. Please fill in the form out below.
MORE SENIOR MILITARY MEMBERS! Consider becoming a Spiritual Mentor---your witness matters!
- Has your Catholic faith been a lifeline and guide throughout your military career?
- Served 10+ years in the military?
-----If so, you have enough experience to mentor!------
Why not relay your military experiences to a more junior officer/enlisted member within your parish?
- They’re already observing you…this is your chance to share and grow together
- You will be prepared you with:
- On-line access to an extensive resource guide
- In person, 4-week formation (1x/week)
You can make a difference! If you have questions, contact Suzy Streeter at [email protected]. Please fill-out the form below with your contact information.