Our Youth Faith Formation programs exist to help parents and families catechize God’s children. We believe that it takes a village to teach our children about God! It starts in the home, continues at Mass and throughout our entire lives. We need an all-star team with parents, our staff, and our entire community to do the job. If your child is in Kindergarten or older, please enroll them in our parish faith formation programs.
Our programs are run off of the time and talent of our parish volunteers. There are over 100 volunteer roles to fill every year for Faith Formation. Roles like lead catechist, assistant, small group leader, meal prep for high school, and a simple chaperone are just a few. With a growing parish of over 1200 registered children, we have a great mission to teach God’s Word.
If you'd like to volunteer, we are looking for those with a love for God’s children, an ability to talk to youth on their level, and a passion for building the future of our Church. All volunteers working with youth need to be Safe Environment trained.